One Touch Switching – Customer Help

One Touch Switching is a new process which is being introduced by the UK broadband industry to make changing your broadband provider easier.

Previously, you had to phone or email your old supplier to cancel your services with them, which could take quite a while. With One Touch Switching you only need to talk to your new supplier (us, we hope!)

One Touch Switching currently only works if you’re changing provider at the same address. You’ll still have to talk to your old supplier if you’re moving out and need to turn your old service off.

Introduction of One Touch Switching

One Touch Switching is a new process in the UK market, and has had a few false starts and delays. It’s quite complicated, because it involves dozens of broadband providers’ systems interacting with each other.

We currently do not recommend you use One Touch Switching if you’re switching a service that a vulnerable person – be that you or someone else in your household – relies on.

Instead, we recommend you talk to your old provider. This will reduce the risk that a vulnerable service user is left without service, in the event that something goes wrong with this new process.

The switching process

You can opt in to the process when you’re placing your order with us. The process is entirely optional, and you can always opt out up until you’ve confirmed your order.

The process looks like this:

  1. We take some details about your old account – normally we just need to know who your old supplier is and your surname, but we might also need your account number.
  2. We send this to your old supplier, and ask them to find your account. If they can’t, we’ll ask for more information from you, and try again.
  3. Once your old supplier has found your account, they will send you information about closing your old account. This will include details of any fees you might need to pay to end your contract.
  4. At the same time, your supplier will tell us what your options are for retaining or ending services with them, and we’ll ask you to pick an option. This might include things like choosing to keep your landline and phone with your old supplier, or turning off your landline.
  5. Once you confirm your order, we’ll confirm the switch with your old provider, letting them know which option you picked.
  6. Your Zzoomm service will be installed and made live. Once it’s all working, we’ll tell your old supplier that they can perform the switch and turn off any services you’ve decided to cease.

We’ll only trigger the switch once your new service is successfully set up by our engineer, so if something goes wrong while we’re doing your installation, and we can’t get your service working, your old services won’t go away. You also won’t be billed by Zzoomm until you’re live with us, though your existing supplier will keep charging you until you’re switched

Information you’ll receive

Your old provider should send you some information at three points in the process:

  • While you’re placing your order, you’ll get an “implications” email that explains any fees or charges you might incur when leaving your old provider
  • Once you confirm your order with us, you’ll get a “sorry to see you go” email that contains a confirmation and further information. At this point, nothing will happen to your service.
  • Once your Zzoomm service is live and we’ve triggered the switch, you’ll get a confirmation that your switch has occurred.

If you don’t get any of these messages, you’ll have to talk to your old provider. Unfortunately, we can’t provide support in dealing with your old provider.

Your right to compensation if it goes wrong

If your switch goes wrong, you may be entitled to compensation from ourselves or your old provider (depending who is at fault), and should contact to raise a request for compensation.

Business switching

One Touch Switching is currently only available for residential services and microenterprises with less than 10 employees. Zzoomm only supports OTS for microenterprises through our sales team, not online, so you’ll need to call or email us to do this.

However, if you’re trying to switch from a business-only provider such as a leased line operator, you may find that your old provider doesn’t support One Touch Switch. If you can’t find them in the drop-down, you’ll have to contact them and won’t be able to use One Touch Switch.

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